Join us this year for our 17th annual food bank event!
Sat September 27th 2025

Apples For Everyone
This year, more than ever, fresh apples are needed by the food challenged in our community. This is always a day of music, local vendors, food and fun for all ages. Plan on coming out if your goal is to have a good time picking apples for our foodbanks! To date you have picked and donated over 200,000 lbs of fresh first quality apples to people in need!
Typically we will take you out to our orchard on a hay ride wagon to the picking area, where you will pick for about 10-15 min (or longer if you like!) until the next hayride comes with more volunteers. This is a great opportunity for the whole family to give back to the community while picking alongside the community!
Apples then are picked up by local foodbanks for distribution. Foodbanks we have donated to include
- Toledo Seagate Food Bank
- Northwest Ohio Food Bank
- BG Christian Food Pantry
- SAME Café
- The University Church Toledo and others!
If you are interested in a volunteer position other than picking, please contact us through our email below!
Connect with your community
Donate a your time to pick fresh apples to help feed those in need and have fun doing it!
Local music and vendors
We have live music, a food truck, games, and local vendors in addition to our usual u-pick fall activities.
The more the merrier!
Bring your whole family to pick apples for the foodbank! Its a great volunteering and teaching moment for kids!